When you're deciding which payment method to use, you might want to consider how quickly you need the money transfer to arrive or if choosing a lower cost option is more important to you.
In this article you can understand the benefits of the different payment options available to you.
Learn which payment methods are available in your region.
Paying with a credit or debit card
The quickest way to pay
There might be a small fee when you pay by card, but this is the fastest way to pay - your transfer will normally reach your recipient in 15 minutes (transfer reviews may delay some up to 3 hours).
When to contact your bank
- Speak to your card provider to understand if they charge cash advance for money transfers
- If your card is declined, contact your bank to find out why
Learn more about paying with a credit or debit card.
Paying by bank transfer
Low cost
Paying by bank transfer is a low cost but slower way to pay - they take 3-5 business days to reach your recipient. If you're sending money for the first time, you'll need to verify your bank account first.
- If your money transfer is urgent, the fastest way to pay is by card.
Learn more about paying by bank transfer.
Paying with cash
Convenient and quick
Paying with cash is convenient. You can set your transfer up in the app or online and go to a Ria location or participating 7-Eleven to pay with cash. Once you've made payment, your transfer will arrive within 15 minutes.
Learn more about paying with cash.